Supported by
Fabra i Coats, Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya & Barcelona Crea 2020 grants

Coproduction by
L’Auditori & Grec Festival de Barcelona


You come from a chain of millions of sexual intercourses.
We were all born.
Although we were all born, the image of labour is hidden.
Labour is a place from where to observe the structural violence that women go through.

If you want to destroy a woman psychologically, you have to exert violence through her vagina.
Rape is a standard tool toolbox in military tactics.
Like obstetric violence, rape is a strategy to effectively control women both physically and psychologically: by inducing trauma through the vagina, you print the consequences on the brain.

Life doesn’t need you,
life doesn’t need me.
You are dead.
Maybe I’ll be dead too.
But it doesn’t matter,
because life doesn’t die.

Tanit Plana, creació i direcció
Candela Capitán, coreògrafa i peformer

Silvia Delagneau, espai escènic
Paula González, ajudant espai escènic
Marina Giraldos, ajudant de direcció
Raquel García-Tomás, assessoria musical


Joanna Bailie: Artificial Environments No.8
played by
Lluïsa Espigolé, piano

Isabella Guitérrez: Composició electrònica live

Hildegard Von Bingen: Ave Generosa
interpreted by
Adriana Aranda, soprano