Far from being an immaterial agent, Internet is an extremely complex structure composed of a massive number of actors, which have a direct and deep impact on our daily lives. In spite of their main role in the configuration of society, the material and intangible architectures responsible for shaping and operating the network are ignored by the majority of users. Moreover, the social representation of the network is drawn as an ethereal, inorganic, even divine entity, “The Cloud”. On this session we will talk about the different political wills that lay behind the construction of these fictions and about the different efforts in the field of artistic research to demystify them.

Joana Moll
Artist and researcher based in Barcelona. Her work critically explores the way in which post-capitalist narratives affect machines, humans and ecosystems. Her main research topics include the environmental impact of communication technologies, the Internet infrastructure, surveillance and language. She has displayed and presented her work in museums, art centres, festivals, universities and publications around the world. She is currently a researcher resident at HANGAR; member of the research project Antiatlas des Frontières and co-founder of The Institute for the Advancement of People’s Automatisms.

Tanit Plana
Photographer, professor and researcher in Barcelona. Her recent working coordinates are established as a tentative answer to very simple questions: What does “digital” mean? How does Internet work? Where does an email pass through? What is a pixel? What are mobile phones made of? And satellites? These and a hundred more questions activate research mechanisms, that through photography, try to add some light to the dark matter surrounding the geopolitical and digital infrastructures. She has received one of the Aids for Researchers and Cultural Creators from the BBVA Foundation (2015) for her project KLEINROCK, and she has also enjoyed a research residency at MACBA (2016) for the same project. She is currently very close to the publication of the book with which the series called “How things work”, addressed to her children, is beginning to materialize.

DONE is a project of creation and thinking that aims to approach the image’s new ecosystem in the post digital technology and Internet era. The format and activities vary in each edition, experimenting with new ways that generate and propagate ideas and contents. This second edition is presented as a laboratory for reflection, research and visual creation that revolves around five key issues: thinkingvisibilitybodyinformation and aesthetics.

Fundació Foto Colectania
Julian Romea 6 D2
08006 Barcelona
Tel: 93 217 16 26

DONE is a project promoted by the Foto Colectania Foundation with the collaboration of the Fundació Banc Sabadell and with the support of the Dirección General de Política e Industrias Culturales y del Libro del Ministerio de Cultura.